Okay so ive been really slack and inactive on here in the past few weeks, only checking in to comment on the photosets. Neglecting my friends! Shame on me.
So how is everyone? I hope you are all fine and well.
Me - i quit my job and enroled at college.
Now i am DEAD broke. Living off packet noodles and museli bars. I dont know when im going to get a government payment. And im waiting to know my college timetable so i can find a job to suit around those hours. Also trying to sell stuff on ebay just so i can eat! Its very stressful. But im excited to be studying and it will all work out in the end.
I start on Monday!!
Sorry, this is such a boring blog! im just to hot and stressed out to write anything interesting.

I love Ellen Von Unwerth.
hope all is well with steve.