Got all my wisdom teeth out!
Steves going to make a necklace out of them. some think thats creepy, but i think its so cute!
Im still pretty doped up from the anesthetic here...
I was spitting up blood the entire day.
So i got those out friday morning, and Friday night was a friends birthda party and i decided i was well and awake enough to go. Dentists recommendation were not to drink or smoke. But i couldnt resist either. tut tut.
Steve was the one who ended up passing out and throwing up. I had to look after HIM, instead of the other way around! I think he had sympathy pains for me. I didnt get much swelling at which was a bonus.
The rest of the weekend i just relaxed and watched movies and enjoyed my days off work.
I got new glasses too.
Ive started my christmas shopping and im so excited!
And its my birthday next friday which i cant wait for.
Steve said he had an idea planned that might fall through. He kept it secret incase it goes ahead, but i saw a photocopy of hot air baloon companies in his room.
So we probably wont be going hot air balooning, but that was an AWESOME idea on his part!
ill get back to everyones comments on my last blog, havent been on the iternet since friday so im tryna catch up up on all the new live sets as well as all the hot new sets in MR.

So i got those out friday morning, and Friday night was a friends birthda party and i decided i was well and awake enough to go. Dentists recommendation were not to drink or smoke. But i couldnt resist either. tut tut.
Steve was the one who ended up passing out and throwing up. I had to look after HIM, instead of the other way around! I think he had sympathy pains for me. I didnt get much swelling at which was a bonus.
The rest of the weekend i just relaxed and watched movies and enjoyed my days off work.
I got new glasses too.
Ive started my christmas shopping and im so excited!
And its my birthday next friday which i cant wait for.
Steve said he had an idea planned that might fall through. He kept it secret incase it goes ahead, but i saw a photocopy of hot air baloon companies in his room.
So we probably wont be going hot air balooning, but that was an AWESOME idea on his part!

ill get back to everyones comments on my last blog, havent been on the iternet since friday so im tryna catch up up on all the new live sets as well as all the hot new sets in MR.
I kept one tooth. I should think of wearing it as a necklace!
how is your mouth? shiit.
anyway i went to the doctors.
she said im pregnant cos she got me to do another test but she said she couldnt feel a baby inside me...
so um.. i dont realy know what that means.
i have to go to have an ultra sound but most places are booked up so i cant get in till next week.
anyway my boyfirend, yeh we been together for about 5 months..
i met him at the mustang bar..
on the right.
its weird. hes like a man.
im used to being with boys that are like girls.
at least there is no fighting over us wanting to wear my jeans and use my hair straightner