It will cost $1900, I don't have private health cover

* My brother Raven turned 4 years old last Thursday, my parents took him to a maze, but I was working so I couldn't go, I saw him on the weekend instead.
Stevie got him a harmonica and I got him a miniature guitar.
The next Bob Dylan!

* Friday night was Halloween of course, and although Australians as a whole DON'T celebrate Halloween (crazy right!?) we always manage to dress up and party.
My sister and her boyfriend came down to party with us!
Firstly we went to an art opening of my best friends boyfriend work. Free wine!
Jack Pemble
Then we went to an undead party
I was bride turned vampire. (I just wanted to wear a wedding dress covered in blood)
Anyway it was a house party with lights, pumping stereo and a smoke machine.
I danced and drank too much. I was passed out in the driveway by 11pm! Ha!
Stevie put a blanket over me and let me be, before later moving me onto the grass.
The cops came and I still lay passed out on the grass.
Now I am kind of known for always throwing up and passing out at parties.
I'm on anti depressants and I am really not supposed to drink while on them - let's blame that!
Ill try to get my hands on some photos.
* Woke up on Saturday in Stevie's bed with my sister and her boyfriend, apparently we all passed out there and steve had to sleep in the spare bed. Courtney was asleep in a chair, Max on the couch and Dan on the floor. All covered in fake blood and blue food colouring. We went to get take-away food like that.
Then we went out bush to an old quarry that's now filled with water.
I'm terrified of water and rarely swim due to feeling the cold so badly, but I went in!
I even wadded through lily pads and jumped off a 5m high cliff - that was terrifying.
(When I told my mum about it - damn she was SO proud of me.)
That's how much of a mega fraidy-cat I am these days.
Drove up to my parents place. Gave raven his presents. Had dinner. Slept in the van.
Sunday lunch then drove back home.
* Lucy and I are watching season 2 of heroes now. Monday night marathons!
* Saw my psychologist yesterday and we both decided that for now, it would be my last session; I'm ready to get out in the world and just be me! And be happy doing it.
I am so proud of myself. I don't think a lot of people realize how far I have come this year.
I was beaming the whole session and Louise was so proud of me.
I've grown up so much. I am so happy!
I want to stay on my medication for a little longer though.
Yesterday was Steve and mine 6 month anniversary. We went to the sushi train. All sushi $2 a plate (I go to the sushi train and I never once actually eat sushi, I eat all the other stuff) then we went home and watched "hatchet" it was hilarious stupid. And I gave Steve a massage. Then we made love and slept in each other's arms.
I am so happy and so in love!
A little flash of the future......
oh and also, i think i will always be captivated by this girl...
She doesnt know me, we used to chat on msn, but we live in different states.
I watch her deviant art and live journal.
She facinates me. She is beautiful. Oh what i would do to bed her.
She is in this competition, sign up and vote for her.