Friday :
Bought 3 pairs of shoes.
Lucy dyed my hair all brown again!

Shopped with Lucy at the mall. (Best friend/housemate)
Stole a cute pair of knee high stockings.
Went to James house with Steve and the boys.
Drank a bottle of wine.
Decided it would be a great idea to steal some "San Pedro" cactus from a house down the road,
to eat, to try to get high. I was feeling very crazy and excitable.
So we ventured off down the street, pulled off some cactus
(resulting in spikes and splinters all through our hands)
We ran the entire way home. I was armed with a kick ass hunting knife.
Then we all sat around, each of us de-spinning our 1 foot long cacti pieces.
Then skinning them and eating the gooey fleshy part just under the skin and discarding the fibrous core. It was much like eating Cucumber and Aloe-Vera.

(Steve and James eating cactus)
Everybody else stopped before finishing there foot, but I was determined to keep going!
Nothing happened. No buzz, no kick, no hallucinations.
I am pretty sure it was the wrong kind of cactus. But we had fun.
It got late so Steve, Tim and I went home.
I threw up along the way; it felt good to have the cactus out of my stomach!
Never attempting that again.
And kids - don't take drugs.
Went to camping stores to find a mattress for the back of Steve's van.
Went out on the town.
Steve got extremely drunk and passed out on the bus home
- I could not for the life of me wake him up.
Then I had to half carry him home to the next suburb.
I couldn't understand a word he was saying half the time.
I babied him.
Steve didn't remember a thing from the night before,
I took pleasure in telling him all that he had done.
Slept the entire day then went and got pizza for dinner which we ate in the park, up in this giant wire climbing frame thing with little pods. We sat in one of the pods, wrapped in a blanket, looking out to the ocean. It was lovely.
A teenage couple were in a pod near by, making out and grinding each other.
I couldn't stop trying to see what they were doing!
Dinner and live entertainment!
It was perfect.
Then we watched Tombstone.
I am in love with Val Kilmer.

Back to work = death.
But tonight is TV night with Lucy! We're going to watch heroes starting at season 1 because she hasn't seen any of it yet! I'm excited!

I want to go to Chile & Argentina. That is where the most beautiful women in the world are.

Bought 3 pairs of shoes.
Lucy dyed my hair all brown again!

Shopped with Lucy at the mall. (Best friend/housemate)
Stole a cute pair of knee high stockings.
Went to James house with Steve and the boys.
Drank a bottle of wine.
Decided it would be a great idea to steal some "San Pedro" cactus from a house down the road,
to eat, to try to get high. I was feeling very crazy and excitable.
So we ventured off down the street, pulled off some cactus
(resulting in spikes and splinters all through our hands)
We ran the entire way home. I was armed with a kick ass hunting knife.
Then we all sat around, each of us de-spinning our 1 foot long cacti pieces.
Then skinning them and eating the gooey fleshy part just under the skin and discarding the fibrous core. It was much like eating Cucumber and Aloe-Vera.

(Steve and James eating cactus)
Everybody else stopped before finishing there foot, but I was determined to keep going!
Nothing happened. No buzz, no kick, no hallucinations.
I am pretty sure it was the wrong kind of cactus. But we had fun.
It got late so Steve, Tim and I went home.
I threw up along the way; it felt good to have the cactus out of my stomach!
Never attempting that again.
And kids - don't take drugs.
Went to camping stores to find a mattress for the back of Steve's van.
Went out on the town.
Steve got extremely drunk and passed out on the bus home
- I could not for the life of me wake him up.
Then I had to half carry him home to the next suburb.
I couldn't understand a word he was saying half the time.
I babied him.
Steve didn't remember a thing from the night before,
I took pleasure in telling him all that he had done.
Slept the entire day then went and got pizza for dinner which we ate in the park, up in this giant wire climbing frame thing with little pods. We sat in one of the pods, wrapped in a blanket, looking out to the ocean. It was lovely.
A teenage couple were in a pod near by, making out and grinding each other.
I couldn't stop trying to see what they were doing!
Dinner and live entertainment!
It was perfect.
Then we watched Tombstone.
I am in love with Val Kilmer.

Back to work = death.
But tonight is TV night with Lucy! We're going to watch heroes starting at season 1 because she hasn't seen any of it yet! I'm excited!

I want to go to Chile & Argentina. That is where the most beautiful women in the world are.

And I will be waiting for you to come back to europe , spend great time there, and next year to chile!! come at january, is the best time ever!!
Gah. You're seriously one of the most beautiful girls I've ever laid eyes on.
I'll get the pumpkin cheesecake recipe to you tomorrow, when I can find where I wrote down the right proportions.
Love youuuuu!