My house is purple. With pink roses in the garden.
I went home on my lunch break, showered and tried to make myself look pretty.
[i miss my old hair!]
first things first:
I am not cute anymore.
I did a photo shoot for my housemates salon. They did my hair saturday afternoon.
Sunday was the shoot.
I got to the studio at 11:30am, extremely hungover i might add.
I got my hair and make-up done at probably 8pm or 9pm.
The time before that spent sitting around, bored out of my brains.
I started getting shot at 10pm. I got to wear cool black latex clothes. And shoes that were too small my toes feet they were going to break. An hour and a half of awkward back breaking posing and i finally got to go home. i was in bed at 12:30am. I slept until 12pm monday. No work for me.
I am never doing hair modeling EVER again. 12 fucking hours.
The Fri-Sat beforehand were good though.
Steve drove me up to my parents, we hung out, then slept in his new van.
Woke up Saturday, and showed him the creek i spent most of my childhood at.
Then had croisants with nutella!
Then went to the beach with my family for the kite festival.
The only photo i got was of a person in a frog costume.
The frog was mainly playing around with small children, but then it picked Stevie out of the crowd, and made him pull along its little cart.
oh and Friday me and the work boys went to lunch at Hells Pizza.
Coffin Lounge.
Tombstone cash register.
Best pizza ive ever tasted. And they have 4 vege options and 1 vegan. Awesome!
Thats about it for my weekend.