I just applied for TAFE
For the Advanced Diploma of Fashion and the Diploma of Fashion as a back-up.
Fingers crossed i get in. I am over full time work. Student life means less money, but atleast i will be doing something i like and working toward something.
Need to start getting driving lessons
And plan my trip to europe with my younger sister, i dont want to disapoint her!
She wants to go to Germany, can anyone recommend any other beautiful countries to visit?
Or things to see and do?
I have been to:
* Germany - Frankfurt, Berlin
* Amsterdam
* France - Paris, Nice, Cagnes Sur Mer (Mum was born there), Saint Laurent Du Var
* England / Wales - London, Worthing, Woking, Birmingham, Cheltenam, Cardiff
* Morocco
* Barcelona.

This is my internet crush. Kalindy. Ive kind of been obsessed with her photo/image for 4 years.
i was bad at saving but i figured out how much less money i needed to live on (and still be able to go out and have fun). and then i set it up to do automati withdrawls from my checking account. and all i have to do is not touch the orange account at all unless i am in desperate need. so far i havent been in desperate need. so alls good and i've gotten to save some money.
I hope you enjoy your travels