(will attach better photo when im at home and have access to one)
I live with my best friend of 9 years. Lucy.
We arent as close as we used to be when we were younger, but we've been through alot together, every first time, she was there. First time i got drunk, smoked, smoked pot, kissed a boy, lost my virginity (on the beach, at a party, a very drunk lucy came and passed out beside me and the boy) She was with me in the car accident that nearly took my life. The list goes on. She means the world to me. I would do anything for her.
Over the past few years juggling work, friends, boyfriends etc we havent got to spend as much quality time alone together.
But lately we have been spending atleast one night a week together, in my bed, eating soup, drinking tea, eating chocolate and smoking cigarettes while watching hours and hours of buffy.
we laugh, we cry, and its the most awesome thing ever.
Then she is usually too scared to go to her own bed (our house makes creepy noises and after watching vamps and demons for hours on end, i wouldnt wanna walk down our hallway either.) so she sleeps in mine.
Stopping in to wish you an awesome night.
I hope things are on the up n' up.