I just had my first review at work, ive been there since january, and they gave me a raise!!!! im so proud of myself! my good work is recognised!
okay seriously...
looking at my past relationships.
and i dont know how to feel about it...
ive had 6 boyfriends...
all were intense emotionally.
2/6 i didnt get to know via email/msn, (i saw all of them in 'real' life, but the connections were made intense via the internet)
3/6 lasted over 2 months.
2/6 i didnt cheat on.
the boy i am seeing now i met in real life, and he doesnt even own a computer. could be a change for me!
_Ghost and Dye -Afternoon Delights

shot by Tez
also some of my favourite sets in member review:
Abiss - My Fantasy
Phinn - Quadrophenia Alley
Fynne - Bare Necessities
Tiara - Hot In The City
Teyla - Fire! Fire!
Gretamina - Nasty Girl
Puchiko - Green Shake
and of course my Dye - Disturbia
okay seriously...
looking at my past relationships.
and i dont know how to feel about it...
ive had 6 boyfriends...
all were intense emotionally.
2/6 i didnt get to know via email/msn, (i saw all of them in 'real' life, but the connections were made intense via the internet)
3/6 lasted over 2 months.
2/6 i didnt cheat on.
the boy i am seeing now i met in real life, and he doesnt even own a computer. could be a change for me!
_Ghost and Dye -Afternoon Delights

shot by Tez
also some of my favourite sets in member review:
Abiss - My Fantasy
Phinn - Quadrophenia Alley
Fynne - Bare Necessities
Tiara - Hot In The City
Teyla - Fire! Fire!
Gretamina - Nasty Girl
Puchiko - Green Shake
and of course my Dye - Disturbia
Dye and i don't talk all that much anymore. She's working alot, and I don't go into Bris a whole lot anymore
i miss her