Glimpses at Me Mar 29, 2006 1 Facebook Tweet Email _fuzz_: Random pictures of me I found... Mar 29, 2006
Monday Mar 27, 2006 Mar 27, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email Hmm.... Well I am very new to this... I added a picture tho..I'll probably add a ton more when I have the time. Right now I am just using this as a distraction from my paper due 8:30 tomorrow morning. Silly 8:30 am classes... VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS addicted: welcome to the site... I too am postponing the inevitable... mines due next week but it has to be 30 pages and I've more or less jsut started the research... yech! Mar 28, 2006 the_cooler: Hey, good to see you. what are you writing about? Mar 29, 2006