One more week and I start my career! Let's do thissss!


But god I'm glad I can have a dog like gambit 💜

They're perfection 
I'm with @amberetta on this one. I've been single for five years and no one but two close friends have met my daughter. My ex is the opposite of me. She is on BF number four in five years and my daughter is getting to the age where she understands things. Plus her last BF before this guy got her terminated from her well paying job with pension and benefits. So when kids are involved you have to be careful in these situations cause it's not only your life and feelings but that of a child. Just be careful @_finklestein_ for everyone involved sake. Whatever happens I'm sure you will do the right thing you seem like a caring and intelligent young man. 
I want nothing but the best for them, if that means for whatever reason not talking to them, then so be it. She's scared, and I understand that. I'm going to continue to be there for her, and her son whatever way I can. Hopefully can prove to her that I'm not going to do anything to hurt her. I really do care for her and her son. Only time will tell, I guess @thekarmaguy