things everybody likes that I don't like...
amateur father daughter singing duos
especially when he song is too "adult" for it to be believable that a kid that young would even know what she's singing about. (she's like 4...she can't even pronouce some of those words)
actually..I'm pretty sure only Adele knows exactly what "rolling in the deep" means anyway.
Oh but Felix..didn't you see this duos Magnetic Zeros cover?
yes I did.
(I don't particularly like that song anyway)
but it was a little more appropriate for a father daughter duet.
I also never liked the "shit girls say" video. I don't need to t post that right? you know how to use youtube right? just wasn't...funny. Neither were any of the zillions of knock offs...though I real.y did truly enjoy "shit NOBODY says." now that was much more my style.
Things that I like that nobody else seems to like:
Facebook timeline
I don't see the problem. It looks better. it feels better. I like it.

amateur father daughter singing duos
especially when he song is too "adult" for it to be believable that a kid that young would even know what she's singing about. (she's like 4...she can't even pronouce some of those words)
actually..I'm pretty sure only Adele knows exactly what "rolling in the deep" means anyway.

Oh but Felix..didn't you see this duos Magnetic Zeros cover?
yes I did.
(I don't particularly like that song anyway)
but it was a little more appropriate for a father daughter duet.
I also never liked the "shit girls say" video. I don't need to t post that right? you know how to use youtube right? just wasn't...funny. Neither were any of the zillions of knock offs...though I real.y did truly enjoy "shit NOBODY says." now that was much more my style.
Things that I like that nobody else seems to like:
Facebook timeline
I don't see the problem. It looks better. it feels better. I like it.

I also hate those stupid videos...People keep telling me to check them out, and I don't find them as great as the majority seems to