Normally, I have quiet a bit of Penis envy. I often think about all the things I'd do with my penis if I had one. But today I was thinking...
I'm glad I don't have a penis because:
it must be horribly inconvenient to accidentally or unexpectedly get turned on and then have to go somewhere or meet someone where pitching a giant tent in your pants is highly frowned upon.
it's nice to be a girl. you can hide the fact that you're randy if you want to/need to.
I loved reading about all your fantasies...there's enough material there to write several stories, so I'll be working on that for a while. Hopefully...if I don't think they suck, I'll feel comfortable posting the finished products in my blog.
I'm glad I don't have a penis because:
it must be horribly inconvenient to accidentally or unexpectedly get turned on and then have to go somewhere or meet someone where pitching a giant tent in your pants is highly frowned upon.
it's nice to be a girl. you can hide the fact that you're randy if you want to/need to.
I loved reading about all your fantasies...there's enough material there to write several stories, so I'll be working on that for a while. Hopefully...if I don't think they suck, I'll feel comfortable posting the finished products in my blog.

*portkey not included in offer, sadly