Ok fellas...answer me this: If you meet a woman and she's confident and it seems pretty obvious from her flirtations that she enjoys sex...do you automatically think that she'd be a good fling but is not worthy of a relationship with you?
It still seems to me that if a woman doesn't hide the fact that she enjoys sex, she's not taken seriously and she's not considered relationship material. I want to know WHY a man wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a woman who loves sex? Help me understand.
Also...you might remember that I make jewelry. I haven't made a sale in my jewelry store in several months, despite my efforts to market it online. I'm basically desperate. So if you like this:
please go here: Sara Jane's Chains
and order something. I will give a 5% discount to any one who places and order before midnight tonight 4/23/09 *discount applied after purchase, refunded through paypal*
I think you'll find it all very reasonably priced. I'm practically giving some of the pieces away...please keep in mind it's all handmade by me and I have the callouses to prove it!
Sorry for the sob story, I'm just really frustrated and worried at the moment.
ok, self promotion aside...
I was reading someone else's blog and I'd also like to address my meager opinion on this whole Miss California/Miss USA thing. I think most of you have probably read something about it..and conservatives are raising hell that she lost the pagent because she expressed that she didn't support gay marriage:
California passed prop 8 which banned gay marriage so actually if she knew anything about the politics of her own state she had a perfect platform to state her opinion based on what her own state voted. I don't care that she doesn't support gay marriage (even though personally I do), but I think she totally blew the answer. if I were her I'd have said this:
"Well I come from a very traditional family and that's where my beliefs lie, but the great thing about our country is that we get choices and we get to vote, so i think this is something that needs to continue to be decided at the state level."
the other thing that bugs me about this whole thing is that people are saying "oh no..it's not fair that she lost because she expressed her opinion" well actually it is fair. because being these pagents are about being a SPOKESPERSON for an organization...which means you don't get to go around standing on a soap box of your own opinions...You say what they want you to say and you have to remain somewhat neutral so you can appeal to a large audience. in that respect she FAILED and deserved to loose... not because she opposes gay marriage but because she's a lowsy public speaker.
It still seems to me that if a woman doesn't hide the fact that she enjoys sex, she's not taken seriously and she's not considered relationship material. I want to know WHY a man wouldn't want to be in a relationship with a woman who loves sex? Help me understand.
Also...you might remember that I make jewelry. I haven't made a sale in my jewelry store in several months, despite my efforts to market it online. I'm basically desperate. So if you like this:
please go here: Sara Jane's Chains
and order something. I will give a 5% discount to any one who places and order before midnight tonight 4/23/09 *discount applied after purchase, refunded through paypal*
I think you'll find it all very reasonably priced. I'm practically giving some of the pieces away...please keep in mind it's all handmade by me and I have the callouses to prove it!
Sorry for the sob story, I'm just really frustrated and worried at the moment.
ok, self promotion aside...
I was reading someone else's blog and I'd also like to address my meager opinion on this whole Miss California/Miss USA thing. I think most of you have probably read something about it..and conservatives are raising hell that she lost the pagent because she expressed that she didn't support gay marriage:
California passed prop 8 which banned gay marriage so actually if she knew anything about the politics of her own state she had a perfect platform to state her opinion based on what her own state voted. I don't care that she doesn't support gay marriage (even though personally I do), but I think she totally blew the answer. if I were her I'd have said this:
"Well I come from a very traditional family and that's where my beliefs lie, but the great thing about our country is that we get choices and we get to vote, so i think this is something that needs to continue to be decided at the state level."
the other thing that bugs me about this whole thing is that people are saying "oh no..it's not fair that she lost because she expressed her opinion" well actually it is fair. because being these pagents are about being a SPOKESPERSON for an organization...which means you don't get to go around standing on a soap box of your own opinions...You say what they want you to say and you have to remain somewhat neutral so you can appeal to a large audience. in that respect she FAILED and deserved to loose... not because she opposes gay marriage but because she's a lowsy public speaker.
If no then I think they say why me, why do I have to be the one that "buys the cow when everyone else has gotten the milk for free." I know that is a horrible and mean quote but I think it best describes the situation.
Ultimately weather we want to or not we are marketing ourselves by our actions. With any product you are selling you have to present in to your customer in way manor that is going to want to intrigue them to buy it. Sadly think for 95% of the people out there it is black and white. They want the wholesome woman to settle down with but that same person will not hesitate to take advantage of the woman that enjoys sex.