I wrecked myself on NYE. I fucked up my ENTIRE digestive system...I STIILL have nasty cramping from my stomach to my bowels...I'm actually wondering if I have a touch of food poisoning. and for some reason my right knee aches like hell. lol...I'm falling apart! So far, 2009 is making me feel OLD.
I'm at work today and it seems like everyone else I know got the day off. there are maybe 7 cars in the business center parking lot. even the coffee shop is closed...not that I could handle drinking coffee right now if I tried. I actually have a lot of work to finish up still, so it's best that I'm working today...I would be very very far behind if I didn't.
my friends have all the good pics from NYE...perhaps I'll share some when they get around to posting em on das facebook.
plus painful joints often = too much sugar... as in tons of wine or bubbly (which is like coke on steroids with the white stuf)