I have recently decided I don't trust people who:
a. have more favorite television shows than movies
b. dislike animals in general

This is just one of those things I am allowed to do.

Also, in other news, Wonderland this weekend, trip to Guelph the one after and then long weekend **cottage time** after that. Other than these things I am doing precious little with...
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Knocked up was a good movie. I wish I had time to go to the cottage or camping or someting but work has taken over... how was your canada day?? Do anything special? smile
hey. biggrin
Booo weekdays are lonely around here. It's just me and dakota and a book. And laaame tv. Hidden Palms is apparently The OC meets Supernatural. Seriously.

Also, books on the the british isles in the middle ages are my life. Commuting, breaks, bedtime. It's lovely and all, but I am craving social contact. Somebody just touch me.
My boyfriend and I are no longer together for reasons I won't disclose in public simply out of respect. However, all the dirty details will be posted in my friends only Livej. Wellll, anyways, like any self respecting woman I took a sanity day off work (being employed by your mother DOES have its perks after all) to do things such as:

* clean obsessively...
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Sounds like you need to come to my friends "Wear anything but clothing" party in a few weeks in Guelph.
Psht, who needs boys anyway.... wait... I'm a boy.

Everything has been batshit crazy lately (thinking opening sequence Fear and Loathing). I am officially moved in to the new apartment in Guelph. I'm living the real student life with my coffee table made of boxes and the center leaf from my table. Ohh yeah. Not to mention my stolen wireless connection (really, don't).

I don't do anything interesting anymore and likely won't until I...
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How are you liking Guelph? I think it's so beautiful there... you go to the university?
blah blah finals suck bitch complain no job

Glad that's over with.

I went home this weekend to see my puppy before I start these hellish two weeks and get lease papers finalized. I love travelling alone through Toronto sometimes, I get to people watch, window shop and absorb big city energy at my own pace. But I'm bloody ecstatic I don't live there.

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I also often claim to be a philanthropist. Go us.
thanks bad lad....what breed is your dawg?
my coping mechanisms at present are heroes, spanish beer in the awesome weather, hefty sleep ins (redundancy) and various toasted sandwiches
It's interesting to me how, in my younger days (because I am so very old), I had certain expectations from the the opposite sex. To me, there was a very strong belief in a sequence of events that would take place once the pursuit begins. After last night, it was made very clear to me how much that has changed. I just want to...
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Went to a friend of a friend's 20th last night across town. Sweet girl, pitched in for her "Let's get a new tattoo fund." cause I've been there. There were temporary tattoos for everyone so, keeping with trends, we went overboard. I got birds on my boobs. How indierock. I put a dirtyass eagle eating a snake on Doug when he wasn't looking. Not sure...
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I'm not big on introductions. I may not see myself the same way you see me and you'll probably get a much more accurate idea of you just read as I write about my life and the way I see it.

I'm a struggling University student. Struggling to compete, struggling to stay sane and struggling to feed myself. I wouldn't be anywhere else though, depite...
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