Anyone else having internet problems? I seem to only be able to browse to a few select sites, SG being one of them. It's really ticking me off. I can connect to YM and google talk, yet I cant seem to load my igoogle front page.
Anywho, I need to scrounge around for some advil, and then go see if I cant get my alien removed from my eyeball. Hopefully an urgent care place can take care of it.
Update: Urgent care no can do. They seem to think its cystic and that I'll need to see an opthamologist to have it taken care of, seeing as its more of a nodule and its not irritated and soft. Grr. Its not gonna be cheap. Bummer.

Anywho, I need to scrounge around for some advil, and then go see if I cant get my alien removed from my eyeball. Hopefully an urgent care place can take care of it.
Update: Urgent care no can do. They seem to think its cystic and that I'll need to see an opthamologist to have it taken care of, seeing as its more of a nodule and its not irritated and soft. Grr. Its not gonna be cheap. Bummer.