Its strange being in a country for 3 months. A country thats always hot, and humid, and raining etc. Then coming home to decently warm days, and cold as hell mornings. I step on the hardwood floors and my feet cramp up. I love it!!
My dads birthday was yesterday. I never called or said anything to him about it. I'm not one to usually be a dick about it, but I just don't agree with his current streak of stupidity. I'll get into it some other time. He got a nice birthday present this morning though. His aunt had died overnight.
I knew her, but not very well.
2 days into work, and it feels like I never left. Sure people are gone and furniture moved around, but some things never change. I was supposed to drive down to SD lastnight, but I was so mentally drained that I stayed home. I'll be driving down this morning. Puppy needs to go back home.
I am reading the 2nd book in the Gentleman Bastards series. Red Seas under Red Skies. I havent gotten very far in it, but I LOVE IT. You really cant go wrong with this writer.
I have a lot of books lined up that will take me a little while to get through:
"Dexter in the dark" - the novels of that awesome show Dexter on showtime
The first 2 of the Joe Abercrombie series. He's a close friend of Scott Lynch, author of the GB series.
Zombie Survival Guide- Max Brooks. I've already read World War Z, so I support my peeps.
The Walking Dead 1 & 2
I can't wait to get my new camera and start taking tons n tons of pics. I also need to go out and get a couple of hard drives for storage purposes. I'm thinkin 1TB drives for my laptop and PC, since I'll be dealing with 21 MP images that are roughly 6mb per. Still, I cant wait. I am just hoping that my current lenses work with the cam. I'm sure they do, but ya never know.
Ok, I need to get my day started and head off for SD.
BUT...before I go.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY m0ngrel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May the blessings of the nameless 13th, the Crooked Warden bless your pockets with the purses of the rich. And may fortune smile upon you sir. You Bastard you.
My dads birthday was yesterday. I never called or said anything to him about it. I'm not one to usually be a dick about it, but I just don't agree with his current streak of stupidity. I'll get into it some other time. He got a nice birthday present this morning though. His aunt had died overnight.

2 days into work, and it feels like I never left. Sure people are gone and furniture moved around, but some things never change. I was supposed to drive down to SD lastnight, but I was so mentally drained that I stayed home. I'll be driving down this morning. Puppy needs to go back home.
I am reading the 2nd book in the Gentleman Bastards series. Red Seas under Red Skies. I havent gotten very far in it, but I LOVE IT. You really cant go wrong with this writer.
I have a lot of books lined up that will take me a little while to get through:
"Dexter in the dark" - the novels of that awesome show Dexter on showtime
The first 2 of the Joe Abercrombie series. He's a close friend of Scott Lynch, author of the GB series.
Zombie Survival Guide- Max Brooks. I've already read World War Z, so I support my peeps.
The Walking Dead 1 & 2
I can't wait to get my new camera and start taking tons n tons of pics. I also need to go out and get a couple of hard drives for storage purposes. I'm thinkin 1TB drives for my laptop and PC, since I'll be dealing with 21 MP images that are roughly 6mb per. Still, I cant wait. I am just hoping that my current lenses work with the cam. I'm sure they do, but ya never know.
Ok, I need to get my day started and head off for SD.
BUT...before I go.....
HAPPY BIRTHDAY m0ngrel !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thnx mang!