I hope everyones halloween was a good one!
I spent mine working my ass off, taking what was supposed to be a 2hr nap, which thanks to technology being so trustworthy, turned into 5hrs. Then hurryingly taking a shower and getting dressed so that I could fulfill a promise to a local cute waitress.
I had 3 "black" margarita's. Hung out till way past bar closing. Met a cute British/Philippino chick named Rio (just like that river running through the dusty laaaaannndd). Loved her eyes and her accent.
Post-sun up, I took the cute waitress and a co-worker (also cute) to breakfast, where we ate and made ourselves even more tired. Walked them nearly all the way to the Jipney's, stopped by the bank, and then headed home. Checked in on the workers, then went to sleep for about 2.5hrs.
I was then awakened by little desperate mewings of a few days old stray kitten. =( If I were in LA, I would have rescued it in a heartbeat and took it to the vet for meds and the tiny feeding bottle. But since I wasn't in LA, I had to go back to my room, crank up my laptop speakers to drown out the cries. Made for a very sad afternoon.
Anyways. I'm gonna kick the workers out now so that a friend and I can endulge on some spores.
Talk later about the experience.
Ciao mangos.
I spent mine working my ass off, taking what was supposed to be a 2hr nap, which thanks to technology being so trustworthy, turned into 5hrs. Then hurryingly taking a shower and getting dressed so that I could fulfill a promise to a local cute waitress.
I had 3 "black" margarita's. Hung out till way past bar closing. Met a cute British/Philippino chick named Rio (just like that river running through the dusty laaaaannndd). Loved her eyes and her accent.
Post-sun up, I took the cute waitress and a co-worker (also cute) to breakfast, where we ate and made ourselves even more tired. Walked them nearly all the way to the Jipney's, stopped by the bank, and then headed home. Checked in on the workers, then went to sleep for about 2.5hrs.
I was then awakened by little desperate mewings of a few days old stray kitten. =( If I were in LA, I would have rescued it in a heartbeat and took it to the vet for meds and the tiny feeding bottle. But since I wasn't in LA, I had to go back to my room, crank up my laptop speakers to drown out the cries. Made for a very sad afternoon.
Anyways. I'm gonna kick the workers out now so that a friend and I can endulge on some spores.
Talk later about the experience.
Ciao mangos.
Mine was alright