I just got back from the dentist, i never realized its the only place a woman can rest her breast on your shoulder for 45 mins in a professional setting.
The right side of my face which includes my cheek; nose'jawline; and upper lip are completely numb. Is this what Botox feels like? Maybe I should get a Marilyn done before the drugs wear off

the doctor put an IV in my arm (cuz I told him to: "gimme 400 ccs of KNOCK A BRUTHA OUT!!!") and said,
"Now this should make you...@@@@@@@@"
And then I fuckin' passed out.
Woke up breifly in the elevator of the hospital and my mouth had filled up with blood (they had to take out 5 teeth, not 4- one of them was wedged into my jawbone and had to be CRACKED OUT)... and so I started puking on one of the nurses but since my mouth was fulla blood it looked like... well,... I was puking blood.
GOt home and started puking up anything my Mom fed to me, but they put on some nifty Codein, which was nice.
Then I had to jump a flight a day later cuz I wad going back to college in New Mexico and the whole wisdom teeth debacle was done in the final days of SUmmer break... fuckin' shit!
And since then I've had FIVE FUCKING CAVITIES FILLED and a root canal done last Summer...
Yeah, shit with you teeth sucks... if it weren't for chewing I'd say,
"Fuck it" and have them pulled at birth and we should all just get dentures...