Holy crap. I couldn't find anyone that had ever heard of that movie. I just picked up a copy, from some a rumage sale at my school (also found an old Black and White episode of The Shadow). Still have yet to watch it...but the little quote on the front is promising.
Yeah, it's like fucking 60 degrees over here in STL.
The sky is gray, but whateva.
I would head to Forrest Park but I have laundry to do and a chapter to write...
Also, I gotta finish watching the Cube movies.
Ah, well.
We're old, we can do shit like that and justify it by saying,
"I sowed my oats during my undergrad... lemme alone!"
Holy crap. I couldn't find anyone that had ever heard of that movie. I just picked up a copy, from some a rumage sale at my school (also found an old Black and White episode of The Shadow). Still have yet to watch it...but the little quote on the front is promising.
"...so bad, it's good."