Hi...its Jess. Lil tip 4 tha fellas....If you see me walkin down the street and i peek your interest, come back and talk to me. If our eyes meet and they linger, get my number. If we're meetin up 4 drinks and I stare into my cocktail or continously look away...I probably really like you. We should probably proceed to make out furiously at said bar. I can't for the life of me overcome my fear of the opposite sex. I'm great over the phone...I'll make you laugh your ass of but when it comes to one on one...if I'm digging you at all I shut off. Given, with a select few I can chill out and be normal but if theres sexual attraction you'll find me stiff as a board, comatose, making beeping noises while wetting myself....and if thats not enuff of a turn on!!!!...i stutter. Which most find "cute" but i'd be more than happy to end the "duh, duh, duhs" by slamming my face into the nearest wall. So instead of yelling at me from across the street that you like my hair...give me your name and I'll give you my number

Holy Shit you're fucking gorgeous... How the hell is it I haven't met you yet???

When and where?