Not too long ago I was complaining that I was stuck at home cause of some raging snow storm and now it is boiling hot!!! It is 30 degrees celcius today. I have no idea what that is in farenhiet but to say that I am missing central air really badly.
I've been in Ontario though, it is usually so stcky and gross there. I just got back from vegas where it was 48 C ! it was basically like someone ha a hair dryer on full blast all over your body. more bearable rthan ontario summers though. give me dry heat anytime.
Arg, computers suck. I had one killer virus that wiped out everything. Hundreds of songs, a year's worth of lesson plans, pics of my baby cousins growing up...everything!!! Luckily my friend's husband is a computper genius (read geek) and he fixed it for me for free.
My day of being stuck in the house due to the storm went a bit like this:
I woke up and looked out the window and thanked my lucky stars that I didn't have to venture out. I watched "my shows". I laughed at the poor people who were silly enough to buy houses with 3 car garages and were out shovelling their huge driveways... Read More
Arg, we are experiencing a winter storm warning. Apparently we are supposed to get 25cm of snow overnight!!!! Oh, that equals to just under a foot, for you American types.
Who wants to bet that I won't leave the house tomorrow?!?!
I just heard that Velvet Revolver will be playing in Ottawa on March 23rd. The ticks are about $60. Will anybody be here and want to go?? I'm sick of going to concerts with my ex....I need a new concert buddy.