next week, i will be working 55 hours over seven days. i found a fulltime job as broadband technical support in a company where the whole world has jobs. well at least so it seems. my flatmate works there. my boyfriend works there. three of my ex-shags work there. countless other people i say hi to work there. i also work weekends at the record shop, which means i have no days off ever. wheehee! this summer will be the greatest ever!
in other news, i am happy. i have good friends, a place in 2nd year philosophy next september and a most wonderful man i love more than ben&jerry's cookiedough (that's a lot of love y'know). infact, i have been fairly content for almost a month now....that is a long time for a miserable soul like myself.

in other news, i am happy. i have good friends, a place in 2nd year philosophy next september and a most wonderful man i love more than ben&jerry's cookiedough (that's a lot of love y'know). infact, i have been fairly content for almost a month now....that is a long time for a miserable soul like myself.

I done 44 this week and am shattered ( hunts franticly for a sleepy smiley)
you got me wanting ben and jerries ice cream now
oh yeah! and hi by the way!