Thursday Jun 07, 2007 Jun 6, 2007 0 Facebook Tweet Email We got new champagne. I had to test it out, see. I was very thorough. *hic* VIEW 16 of 16 COMMENTS elizathetroll: Wireless broadband? Where do you get that from? And does it actually work? Once I have a place, I urgently need internet there. Preferably flat-ratey! Jun 7, 2007 missellie: I'm flattered that my lil' ole birthday would have any effect on your desire to come back around Tori time. I was just mentioning it as a bonus feature of the end of September. Also, is the new you picture Bill Nighy? Jun 9, 2007
Once I have a place, I urgently need internet there. Preferably flat-ratey!
Also, is the new you picture Bill Nighy?