Today i's exi'stential prote'st
Dear people who think I'll ever 'speak plainly:
You make me laugh 'so damn hard. Love you, but 'seriou'sly? That one was ea'sy.
Next week, I 'start working a's a mathematic's tutor. Cue relevance.
In entirely unrelated new's, I'm all the day with my exi'stential prote'st up.
[EDIT: And really quite annoyed that I can't put apo'stophe's in my u'sername. 'Saddne's's i's.]
Dear people who think I'll ever 'speak plainly:
You make me laugh 'so damn hard. Love you, but 'seriou'sly? That one was ea'sy.
Next week, I 'start working a's a mathematic's tutor. Cue relevance.
In entirely unrelated new's, I'm all the day with my exi'stential prote'st up.
[EDIT: And really quite annoyed that I can't put apo'stophe's in my u'sername. 'Saddne's's i's.]

well, you two could maybe...have coffee? haha, I dunno. You only live once! (easy for me to say, huh?)

So have you taken the plunge?