Look at all those comments! I should say nothing more often; it seems to garner all manner of attention.
Amusingly enough, concerned boys and girls, the original entry was about suicide.
Just not mine.
At any rate, I decided the original entry required far more contextual understanding than I was willing to write about. Content yourself with the knowledge that Helen Dewitt is alive and well in Berlin*.
Busy with school. All other elements of life are suspended until further notice.
* Not a metaphor
Amusingly enough, concerned boys and girls, the original entry was about suicide.
Just not mine.
At any rate, I decided the original entry required far more contextual understanding than I was willing to write about. Content yourself with the knowledge that Helen Dewitt is alive and well in Berlin*.
Busy with school. All other elements of life are suspended until further notice.
* Not a metaphor
good to know.

Well, see? No love for me!!!