Should I buy the SG magazine, or should I experiment with quiet glowering?
In ther news...
Do you remember when you were too young to like caf, but you drank it so you could feel grown up? Do you remember when you had to grimace because it was so bitter? Did you have to add a singularly disgraceful amount of sugar? Do you remember the... Read More
I started on tea well before I started on coffee because my parents were tea drinkers for preference. I did what I suspect was the usual kid progression: very sweet, very milky tea which gradually got too sweet and milky, so began to have it with less milk and sugar until I arrived at my optimum (black and one). Early high school I had a friend who drank a lot of coffee and I thought "ooh, that sounds interesting". By year 12 I had someone tell me they didn't recognise me without my coffee cup in my hand. I've cut back since then though.
Now, as for the Writers' Centre, it's at Gorman House which is just near Civic at the bottom of Ainslie Avenue (the street that Olims is at the top of, if you know Olims). They have meeting rooms for writers' groups to meet in, workshops, courses, social events, a library, a newsletter with details of markets and competitions and a bunch of other stuff. There are quite a few writers' groups affiliated with it, including a romance writers' group, a spec fic writers' group of which I'm a member, I think there's a crime group now, and a few others. Their site is here.
I'd hate to see the sort of constant buzz I'd be on if I worked with a coffee machine.. I'd probably ignore all the customers and just serve myself.. heh heh..
5am start?!
All of my pets get cranky at me being up before 9am and waking them.. They'd kill me if I was up that early!
Two people I saw every single day are missing, presumed deceased. It's such a nice euphemism, considering they would have fucking burned to death. I can't deal with this.
My lover has vanished off the face of the earth, with no warning. It's fucking up everything at work (as I never remember not to shit where I sleep), and I'm fluttering back and forth between... Read More
They shall not grow old
As we that are left grow old.
Age will not weary them,
Nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Over the weekend, one of our regulars died in an aeroplane accident. He was a SAS trooper.
More seriously, I'd pick any of the candidates, including the three who are not me, as respectable and responsible group leaders. Vote as you think is right.
I'd be more energetic with my campaigning if the other candidates were made of suck... Read More
Actually, I think the most pissed off I've ever had waitresses was on the two occasions where one from a cafe where I'd become a regular spotted me coffeeing somewhere else. Much extravagant body language and outraged expressions ensued, but at least I didn't get the Lap Pour when I went back to them.
Glad you liked the title. I'm like you for baroque titling, at least in this case. I had about four different concepts that I wanted in there but I couldn't get a combination that wasn't ungainly. That was my best compromise down from something that I think was more like "The Final Days of the House of the Society of the Brass Clockwork Bandits".
Anyway, your own interest in turn prompted me to get the damn thing out of the trunk and properly plot out the first few chapters, so thank you for that This is good, we should keep it up. I'd like to friend you for that purpose, if you don't object.
A friend of mine has a parent with a medical condition. Said parent was told he would have to choose between two medications, each with side effects. One would make him sensitive to sunlight, give him a severe risk of stroke, and fuck with his liver.
The other would give him a potentially deadly reaction to the mold which goes into the various blue cheeses.
How bad can a stroke really be? he asked himself...
I started on tea well before I started on coffee because my parents were tea drinkers for preference. I did what I suspect was the usual kid progression: very sweet, very milky tea which gradually got too sweet and milky, so began to have it with less milk and sugar until I arrived at my optimum (black and one). Early high school I had a friend who drank a lot of coffee and I thought "ooh, that sounds interesting". By year 12 I had someone tell me they didn't recognise me without my coffee cup in my hand. I've cut back since then though.
Now, as for the Writers' Centre, it's at Gorman House which is just near Civic at the bottom of Ainslie Avenue (the street that Olims is at the top of, if you know Olims). They have meeting rooms for writers' groups to meet in, workshops, courses, social events, a library, a newsletter with details of markets and competitions and a bunch of other stuff. There are quite a few writers' groups affiliated with it, including a romance writers' group, a spec fic writers' group of which I'm a member, I think there's a crime group now, and a few others. Their site is here.
5am start?!
All of my pets get cranky at me being up before 9am and waking them.. They'd kill me if I was up that early!