y keyboard is on tmh7e frita.9 I understand that tmh7is m7igmh7t be inc3redibly hm7ard to read.9 But's I'm7 typing nit on m7y busted,8 non-working keyboard.9 For som7e reason,8 som7e kweys are c3oming 7up with num7bers as well as letters.9 It is quite frustrating.9 I don't want to be typing this as one long box2,8 but the Ente key rkyi n fteis c3om7pletely busted.9
Oh,8 apparently the Enter key ov4er by the num7ber pad works.9 Well,8 I'm7 vg4onna get a new keyboard in the nex2t c3ouple dayts,8 until then,8 Ip robably won't be around here v4ery m7uc3h.9
I'll be sure to update with a legitim7ate entry when I am7 able to.9
Oh,8 apparently the Enter key ov4er by the num7ber pad works.9 Well,8 I'm7 vg4onna get a new keyboard in the nex2t c3ouple dayts,8 until then,8 Ip robably won't be around here v4ery m7uc3h.9
I'll be sure to update with a legitim7ate entry when I am7 able to.9
i once spilled tea on my keyboard and the same thing happened.
ARmy of Darkness! i totally forgot about that movie! it was great. i'm going to put it on my profile list now...