New Year's was fun all things considered. If you live in Albuquerque, the Safe Ride system is complete BULLSHIT!! My friends didn't even have a cab show up that they called and reserved in the morning. They ended up driving downtown, the plan being to get the Safe Ride to take us back to my place and I would drive them to their car in the morning. Once again, they fucked us over and left us standing in the freezing cold for close to an hour before I had to sober up fast and drive us back. I guess it was a blessing in disguise that they had to drive downtown otherwise I have no fucking clue what the outcome would have been. Fucking sucked on an otherwise pretty good night. Here's to 2010 being better than the last few years, although that was not a good start!!
Kinda burned on SG, I think I will take a little hiatus. At least until Lost kicks off its final season and then I'll be back for sure. Till then I don't really know.
Once again I feel like posting music. Even though you can look it up yourself, this is just something to listen to
Kinda burned on SG, I think I will take a little hiatus. At least until Lost kicks off its final season and then I'll be back for sure. Till then I don't really know.
Once again I feel like posting music. Even though you can look it up yourself, this is just something to listen to

Thanks, man. It's been more than alright so far.