I saw an interesting little running column in the Alibi (the local altetnative newspaper out here and the best and only way to find out about anything good going on) called Song Roulette. All you have to do is press shuffle on your Ipod, post the first 5 songs, comment on the song a little and in this case post the youtube vid if you so feel. Since I usually post some random music anyways (what? no love for the girl from Ipanema?

Wheel of morality turn, turn, turn. Tell us the lesson that we should learn.
And the moral of today's story is....
Oh wait

1) Bring Me The Disco King Loner Mix- David Bowie feat Maynard James Keenan and John Frusciante
This song takes me back.......
To a time that I should probably NOT be reminiscing about.

2) Know Your Rights- The Clash
I've been listening to alot of The Clash lately. Great opening song to a great album!! I like the way he sings Air-wrist-O-crat by the way! That shall be my official pro-nun-ski-ation from now on!
3) Phil Phillips & The Twilights- Sea of Love
OK. I guess I'm an old soul (or just an old man at heart) but I like alot of music way before my time! A classic, and reminds me of the Simpsons episode where Dr Frink has the machine to look into the future and Homer lives underwater
4) Nine Inch Nails- Leaving Hope
*Sigh* Another sad song from a sad time. I keep too many of those songs don't ya think? This is off of the Still album, one of my top three favorite albums by Trent. Really intimate, and probably only truly appreciated by a NIN junkie like myself. It's very peaceful, tragic and beautiful at the same time. Thank you Trent for your music....
5) A Perfect Circle- The Nurse Who Loved Me
Wow. There are some pretty sad songs in this list! LOL This song belongs to a girl I once knew, she was the nurse who loved me. Or was I the one who was in love with the nurse? She vanished out of my life as fast as she appeared but the time spent was profound to say the least. Or this song makes me feel like dying, pearly white gates and all! Or at least being drugged out of my mind and on the floor in some nursing home waiting for the day to come. Resuscitation failing, step into the light.
Yeah, I told you it was depressing! For me at least.
Hmmm..I thought that would be alot sillier than it turned out! LOL I guess I had my Ipod set to "Depressed" !!
Anyways, just in case I don't get online in time. Happy Early Christmas to everyone! Hope its nice, peacefull, full, exciting or whatever you want it to be!
LAters for now!!
(Oh yeah, got to go see Willie Nelson last week! Yeah, I really do like almost every genre of music.
It was a damn good show, and hes in his seventies I think! Plus he is an American Legend and it was a once in a lifetime kind of deal so I couldn't pass it up! )