This year I am most thankful for my new start/ new job. First, I've had a pharmacy tech certification for close to 3 years now but just barely got an actual phar tech job a few months ago. Talk about a slacker huh? Its fun and I actually look forward to going to work, which is a change! Hope it lasts a long time.
Following close behind and hand in hand would be my NON-self destructive lifestyle. Nobody needs details cause I'm sure you got your stories too, but I spent the last year "rehabing" myself.
In that time, I've come to the conclusion that you don't need to seek out death, it will find you.
IT WILL find you, and that's not a negative doom and gloom I fucking hate the world view/woe is me, its just the way the world is. Everything dies. People, young and old, good or bad, animals, plants (you get the point) everything that is living must die. Seems obvious but its a concept that is either you "understand" or you actually know. So instead of seeing as negative, its liberating! You're gonna die! So why not LIVE while you can! Its a small window when you think about it so I want to stay in that mentality. "Leaves become most beautiful when they're about to die." Hopefully I can put a bigger network of like-minded people around me. That's the next step (and not going back to people helping in the "downward spiral" cause there sure are alot of them. And FUCK do I have some stories bout what they are STILL trying to do to me. Yeesh! But that's another rant altogether. )
Ick. Did you get through that? LOL I'll probably erase that in a few days after I read it later and think "Fuck, what an asshole? Who wants to hear about what a whiny bitch you are?!" LOL Ah yes, my "other" personality will clean house!
Anyways, for no particular reason I have been listening to alot of movie scores and I know, I know. They all kinda sound fucking depressing but I think they are fantastic bits of music that help inspire. I swear my music choices don't always reflect something, ya can't read too deep in 'em.
(The LOST one goes on for a few minutes after the music ends for some reason )