where were you in 82?
Call me a"grumpy old man"Fuck that.! .. How about disgusted by the whole collapse of the Punk scene as we know it... nothing you can do about it, its just a fact.. I can give a good example that IM sure only a select few of you have encountered... ....Going to shows !! You know it just as well as I do .. its not the same.. Nor will it ever be.. Lost are the days of a punk hierarchy the days of looking up to those who were just a little bit older than us and had been around just that a bit longer.Nope now you have "insta- punks" blending in like a early 80s reunion of your friends.. See, now the shit we did that made us the oddballs of society ,the clothes we wore, the way we wore our hair, the everything we did that got jeers, taunts some blackened eyes, and bloody knuckles is now "in style" look at your local major department store, and the cheeziest "punk uniform" shop out there, is hot topic.( what a fucking joke!) The whole individuality of the punk scene has turned into a layout in vogue.. Where we once paid about 45 bux for a pair of 6 hole doc martins, now they are at every major department store and run close to half a weeks pay.. These "newschool" kids also pull it off by doing the insta-punk/insta-billy, just add a fresh sleeve of ink,designed in one day.... paid for with their allowance, musically schooled by one of their friend's older brother's or sister's vinyl collection, or they just decided to search "Punk Rock" on line..at www.imafuckinposer.com or some other site compiled by those same kids who feared / hated us in high school but now that they have the web to hide behind, or moved to a city where no one knows what a jock or geek they really were. They can pose all they want.."Oh yeah I was into that back then..." So they know how to create archives of bands who you know for fuckin sure they have never seen, they are"insta- punk pioneers" (* note sarcastic undertones) come on look it up , read all you can on something you never were a part of, then when you go out and meet people you can pretend that you actually took part !!! Come on !! no one will be the wiser..!!! (Cough!** bullshit). OK now with that out in the open.. They fail to do one thing.. Check who the fuck they bullshitting.. Ya know? .........I mean I cant tell you how many fuck'n Kids (and I consider kid anyone who was born in the mid 70's through the 80's) that try and tell me that they are some uber authority on Punk Rock. or Rockabilly. ..First off kid,.. straighten out your baseball hat, your concert wifebeater and your $50 social distortion Dickies tour jacket.... (Do you remember whenMIKE NESS was a dope sick freak?...not Mr. "tattooed badass older than old school king of fools.. Fucking your girlfriend to fill his addictive needs..) . Punk has not been punk for quite some time, so don't pretend that you were a part of it if you are because you saw Greenday in 1998, and you think Good Charolette is a "Punk" band.. ( they are just N-SYNC with ink). .
Get real kiddies!!!
Call me a"grumpy old man"Fuck that.! .. How about disgusted by the whole collapse of the Punk scene as we know it... nothing you can do about it, its just a fact.. I can give a good example that IM sure only a select few of you have encountered... ....Going to shows !! You know it just as well as I do .. its not the same.. Nor will it ever be.. Lost are the days of a punk hierarchy the days of looking up to those who were just a little bit older than us and had been around just that a bit longer.Nope now you have "insta- punks" blending in like a early 80s reunion of your friends.. See, now the shit we did that made us the oddballs of society ,the clothes we wore, the way we wore our hair, the everything we did that got jeers, taunts some blackened eyes, and bloody knuckles is now "in style" look at your local major department store, and the cheeziest "punk uniform" shop out there, is hot topic.( what a fucking joke!) The whole individuality of the punk scene has turned into a layout in vogue.. Where we once paid about 45 bux for a pair of 6 hole doc martins, now they are at every major department store and run close to half a weeks pay.. These "newschool" kids also pull it off by doing the insta-punk/insta-billy, just add a fresh sleeve of ink,designed in one day.... paid for with their allowance, musically schooled by one of their friend's older brother's or sister's vinyl collection, or they just decided to search "Punk Rock" on line..at www.imafuckinposer.com or some other site compiled by those same kids who feared / hated us in high school but now that they have the web to hide behind, or moved to a city where no one knows what a jock or geek they really were. They can pose all they want.."Oh yeah I was into that back then..." So they know how to create archives of bands who you know for fuckin sure they have never seen, they are"insta- punk pioneers" (* note sarcastic undertones) come on look it up , read all you can on something you never were a part of, then when you go out and meet people you can pretend that you actually took part !!! Come on !! no one will be the wiser..!!! (Cough!** bullshit). OK now with that out in the open.. They fail to do one thing.. Check who the fuck they bullshitting.. Ya know? .........I mean I cant tell you how many fuck'n Kids (and I consider kid anyone who was born in the mid 70's through the 80's) that try and tell me that they are some uber authority on Punk Rock. or Rockabilly. ..First off kid,.. straighten out your baseball hat, your concert wifebeater and your $50 social distortion Dickies tour jacket.... (Do you remember whenMIKE NESS was a dope sick freak?...not Mr. "tattooed badass older than old school king of fools.. Fucking your girlfriend to fill his addictive needs..) . Punk has not been punk for quite some time, so don't pretend that you were a part of it if you are because you saw Greenday in 1998, and you think Good Charolette is a "Punk" band.. ( they are just N-SYNC with ink). .
Get real kiddies!!!
By the way: In 82, I was being born, but that ain't my fault.