so i get my tonsils out in a month, and im scared shitless!
im 23, so i know this will be an intense procedure. im scared of the pain. im scared of being put under (ive never been completely under before!), and im scared of my voice permanently changing. if i can no longer sing, ill cry.
ive been reading a ton of threads full of tips on how to help the healing process.
so far ive only requested a week off from work, but based on what ive read, one week is not enough. two weeks sounds more probable. im a hair stylist so i know i wont have my voice back for a long time, and i dont want to strain myself trying to talk to my clients.
im 23, so i know this will be an intense procedure. im scared of the pain. im scared of being put under (ive never been completely under before!), and im scared of my voice permanently changing. if i can no longer sing, ill cry.
ive been reading a ton of threads full of tips on how to help the healing process.
so far ive only requested a week off from work, but based on what ive read, one week is not enough. two weeks sounds more probable. im a hair stylist so i know i wont have my voice back for a long time, and i dont want to strain myself trying to talk to my clients.
I think I forgot to tell you... I went to a very small gig in Hollywood the other day and who walked in past me and was basically next to me for the duration? Our very own Mr Robert Pattinson!!! I swear he is extra tall and GAH SO GOOD LOOKING OMGWTF!! THE most random thing ever. I kind of wish I had snapped a photo but I'm glad I didn't, he was enjoying the show so much and so many girls kept trying to bother him it was kind of sad.
His friend played Never Think =)