so here are the puppies! this was totally worth the 8hr drive (one way), for a 1 night/ 2 day trip!!
it was so hard to drive home without one...
we stil dont know which one will be Nuna. there are 4 girls and 1 boy. we are definitely getting a girl. either way, we wont be disappointed! they were all so adorable and sweet. they were super sweet and friendly. mommy and daddy malamute were soooo awesome! momma was cuddling us and icking out face. she even wanted us to pet her while she fed the babies. daddy was rough housing with danny and playing tag.
ill let you know more when i know more. we will be going to pick her up on the 2nd of june.

it was so hard to drive home without one...

ill let you know more when i know more. we will be going to pick her up on the 2nd of june.

i dont know anyone who needs a job right now but if i hear of anyone ill let you know.
i didnt mean to tease you with germany. its not a country im proud of or anything, but sometimes i forget that other people actually like it..aaargh