i guess ill start with the good. we are indeed getting a puppy!!!! we will be getting a malamute baby girl, and her name will be
Nuna. we decided to keep her name linked to her heritage, so Nuna means earth in Inuit. follow that link to watch Nuna grow! we dont know which one she will be yet, so look at the pics and let me know which pup you think she might be!!!
wedding plans have progressed. we are moving at a steady pace and remain on schedule. however, the money is getting tight and the catering alone will exceed our budget. im trying to think positive and hope it all works out.
work is total shit. the salon i am at does nothing but depress me. we had a salon meeting in which all of the girls ganged up on me and told me how much they hate me and how they all talk about me behind my back. they said i am lazy and my haircuts suck. i told them to look at my numbers, which run circles around theirs combined, and as for the shitty haircuts.. i have been there for nearly 3 months and have built a higher clientele then most of them that have been there for years!!!! i suppose its just jealousy because of my management position, and in promoting someone from the outside rather then one of them.
i will be placed in my new salon in 2 weeks! i cannot wait for this experience, as i will finally be running my own shop! the situation at my current salon has only taught me how NOT to treat my future girls. example: the manager scheduled me and another stylist to open today. neither of us had a key. when we called her to tell her to come open the salon, she told me i had always had a key and stated that i was lying... because i apparently enjoy showing up 30 minutes early to stand in the cold... and said she wasnt going to come open the store. they asked me to call another girl, who does indeed hate my guts, to come open. she didnt even answer my calls... i had never been given a kay to that salon and i am completely disappointed in their lack of judging my character. if theres one thing i am not, its a liar.
i did recieve a credit card, finally. my mom had to co sign with me, but it is nice to know i am now building credit. danny and i decided that we will move in a year, after building our credit, to the portland vicinity, in oregon (not maine). we are both excited to see our lives start to pull together for our future.
Don't stress too much about bills and tickets. As long as you pay a little at a time and you don't try to hide from them, you'll get them paid off before you know it.
Take care. I miss you.