Got out of the hospital yesterday, finally! Was in there for two days but I really needed it I wouldnt have healed if I hadnt stayed. I know now that Im extremely opiate intolerant, the just refuse to sit in my stomach or digestive track. My throat still hurts a whole fucking lot, but Im slowly trying to wean myself off the meds. For those of you that dont know what Im talking about I got my tonsils and adenoids taken out on the 28th, it was supposed to be a reasonable four to five days of real bad pain and then bearable after that. Thank you all you beautiful hopefuls for sending me titties while I was sickly!!! Bewbs definitely help
My set is coming out soon, who is excited?! In other news I have been talking to my ex, who is extremely regretful, but its nice to not be so afraid of seeing him anymore and to not want to get back together with him, It killed me for so long, but it finally feels okay now. Not much of an update, sorry guys.

Wow hospital meds. Sucks. Hope you feel better soon. And Great to hear your ex drama is clearing up too 

I'm excited for your set!!! Oh iky about your pain issues, so sorry to hear that.