i dont know what to do. i thought that if i passed all of the other parts of the GED besides math that my parents would be happy with that, and would wait until i could enroll in fall classes and not kick me out on Aug 31st but apparently that wouldnt change anything at all. they dont care that i cant enroll for classes right now. ive basically given up on finding a job, if i couldnt get one when i had blonde hair and i took out all my piercings so i looked like a sweet little blonde kid, then im definitely not getting one now. plus im limited to where i can look for a job or accept a job because i dont have a car and i would be taking the bus to and from work. i dont know how the bus system is in other states, but it blows here. if i got a job three miles away it would take me up to two hours to get there. the busses are a good 40 mins late most of the time. im sick of trying and not having my parents give a shit whether i was out looking for a job for four hours every day this week or not. this is absurd. this is a lose lose situation. i have until Aug 31 to figure out what im doing with my life. with zero help from the people who are supposed to support me the most.

something will work out sweetie ... try to stay confidant about that ... *hugs*
everything happens for a reason lovely...you'll get through this with flying colors (no pun intended)
sending good vibes your way!!