i hate losing the skew on balls for all my piercings, its really a pain in the ass. Bought new belly button rings to match my outfit for the set and of course i lose one of them. and no one likes to sell you just the balls without the hardware. i cant tell you how many times i reach up to touch one of my ear piercings or my lip or whatever, and the ball is gone and i get to go buy more. one time i was snowboarding and i was about halfway down the run and i looked at my belly button rings and one of the balls was gone, and they were brand new of course, so i was cursing and yelling all the way down the run. but when i got to the bottom i figured i might as well check my clothes (cuz sometimes if your really lucky they get caught in your shirt or something) and the little ball made it all the way down the run in the top of my pants. that is the one exception to my losing the little skrew on balls all the time. i will make hardware that you cant lose the balls to, maybe snap on lol. this was a pointless blog.