Time warps .....it is December tommorrow. Belated Happy Birthday to all you Scorpions (grinz). Ok three good slaves and or subs would suffice.Are you one who can let go, be tied up and give it all to me? Well let's begin with your mind and then submit the the body and free the spirit. write a list of ten things a master needs to be...
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Thanks for commenting on my set

There are More and More Pin-Up hotties and sets Driving me wild .I love It thanks ladies..................new note I wish to have a dozen young sex slaves. A dozen young subs A dozen young virgins ( ok a guy can dream) lol
If you wish to be my slave ,simply write me and tell me why i should pick you.Love _clawed_
If you wish to be my slave ,simply write me and tell me why i should pick you.Love _clawed_
Thank you thank you thank you.... hahah i liked your comment you left on my set! Glad you liked it! Have a great weekend!
.... I'm writing a book about a character whose gender is never diclosed .An action mystery Hero type Saga with a seguel to follow ,maybe even a trilogy. Itwill be fun and i will need to get in womens heads .First love with male and firsr love with female,are going to be a tricky endeavor.An Orphan raised by a kind rich estate actioneer who has...
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Thank you soo much for the very nice comments on my sets. :-)
Thank you for bringing Pin-Up back to SG Sadiee............................every inch of you is Amazing every inch .
I'm on Hiatus for 12 months . some art some writing some nude beach volley ball. wanna visit or have company give me a Holler.probably take a college course too.mmm thanx for letting me just be myself in here. <Dirty Old Man.GrinZ oxoxo love ya SG's and Members
x x
I really enjoy you Guys and Gals. I get alot of chuckles in chat Thanx <3 .The sets are terrific and give me a great deal of pleasure to veiw them. I hope everyone is alright and doing good.

Hey people, I've enjoyed some time away from work . I met some very good people in here and have learned alot more about myself.I learned that people are alot alike all over the world. Hopefully i become a better friend as a result. I hope everyone achieves their dreams and goals.peace love dove, clawed
Thanks so much!

Hey Hey.. i'm about one month into my three month hiatas from work . I am almost rested up . A little beach rest & relaxation and I may have my soul back . i've worked since i was ten. A little nude surf fishing and nude sunbathing at Playlinda Beach and i'll be better.
I'll need to cross train at work because I cannot...
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I'll need to cross train at work because I cannot...
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hey hey 2008
, gonna spend lots more time on the coast this year . Playlinda beach and titusville mainly. hopes to meet and hang out with fla friends .( ok bummer note) I lost my three best longtime friemds three years and my dad&mom have died as well sooooooo i've climbed out of grief and depression finally and in search for another friend or...
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, gonna spend lots more time on the coast this year . Playlinda beach and titusville mainly. hopes to meet and hang out with fla friends .( ok bummer note) I lost my three best longtime friemds three years and my dad&mom have died as well sooooooo i've climbed out of grief and depression finally and in search for another friend or...
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I enjoy my associates in SG and my friends here too ,ok i enjoy my nemesises in here too it's all good..MERRY CHTISTMAS everyone.........I work I play I explore............................I respect everyones Autonomy...peace ,love ,dove!
*+*++*+*++*Happy Thanksgiving*+*+*+*+*+ I'll be adding more to my blog regularly . I'll be checking wishlists and making one also. To all my friends old and new , I hope to be thought of as a true and active friend ..Peace...Love...Dove..............................