So the New Year has finally reached us. Instead of reflecting on the last year I deided to look back on the last 10. There have been tons of ups an downs, lessons learned, experiences made... It's been pretty crazy, but Im glad to say that those were probably the most crazy 10 years of my life. From here on out, theres only one direction to go. Up.
I still remember New Years 2000. A few cousins and I managed to sneak a few beers up into their tree house to wait and watch the whole city shut down. Needless to say, that didnt happen. From then on, life progressed ito many different phases. My mother remarried, her relationship turned into the first abusive relationship my brother and I would witness. And it was the last. Physically anyway. They were divorced soon enough, and boy was I glad to see him leave. Later on, I'd end up entering my first serious relationship. It was normal as most high school relationships. My first love, to be followed by a few more before I found the ultimate.
Then there was Setember 11. A tragedy that made history. And the conspiracies that followed. A president that nearly demolished our country, but was then reelected for a second term.
I got my first job, as a waitress at a nearby Golden Corral. Then, my first car. A 1995 Ford Mustang. That car would take up a goof chunk of my attention through high school. I had fun with it, that is until my first encounter with hard drugs.
It had begun as just a recreational thing that would soon spiral out of control. I guess at that point I really had nobody to blame but myself. Just sitting around drinking and working on cars didnt seem as satisfying as getting high off kitchen cooked crystal meth. Oh that synthetic happiness. It soon became a serious addiction and along with that came a very real misery and lonliness. I'd have never thought that at a young age I'd develop such a craving for power and money. I'd come to find myself in very dangerous situations, pushing those who truly cared fo me away just to hae that feeling of acceptance and approval. 4 years of drugs, violence, money, jail, hurting my family and friends...... before I met someone who inspired me to change. Love at first sight. Do you belive in it? I wouldn't until another year or two later.
Finally after a lot of mistakes and lashing out on people I cared about, I overcame my addiction. It was tough. But it was something I needed to do on my own. God blessed me with a daughter, a nice reality check that forced me to be responsible. Although her father was quite an embarassing mistake, shes beautiful. I had my daughter March 21, 2007. A milestone in my life that I will never forget.
Then I'd finally realize that I was head over heels in love with my inspiration. Remember I discussed this earlier? Well, it wasnt as easy as picking up the phone and confessing my undying love for him. It took a long time for me to even be able to tell him I had these very real feelings for him. He went through a few relationships with girls and we remained until we were at the right time to fall back in love with each other again. I'd tried to date, but nothing ever felt right. Not until June of 08.
Its been quite a journey to finally be able to just be happy without feeling the need to test each other and play games. I think in a way, we still had a lot of soul searching to do. And now, in the first 2 hours of 2010, I can say, I'm very very happy with the direction my life is going. I have a beautiful daughter, a very gorgeous and witty boyfriend whom I fall in love with more and more every day and a life that is only getting better.
With that, I welcome the new year, and a new decade with open arms.
I hope everyone had a great new year celebration. This will soon be made a private entry, but I decided to share it for a day or two.
I hope everyone had a great celebration.