ow. blackeyed

[edit] i pulled something in my neck/shoulder wednesday night bringing in the patio at work.

the last few days have been something like this:

lie flat on my back for as long as i can hold still for
moan about hurting
take ibuprofen
smoke pot
drink water and change positions
watch horrible tv
eat all kinds of goodies to distract myself
smoke more pot...
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what happened??
poor you!

you need some vicodin lady. Pot helps too, especially if you eat it somehow.
wow. blush
that was one of the nicest things anyone has said to me. it totally made my day!

i love your hair, by the way. ♥
I left San Diego for Idaho pretty much happy with my life, ready to pick it up where I left off upon my return.

I'm back. For the first time, flying into my hometown actually filled me with gloom and dread.

I feel incredibly empty now having left my family behind.

I'm re thinking everything in my life now.

I'm not saying I need to...
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i....i....ilove carpet

Creating a vision of what you want to achieve is the first step in achieving it.

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

You can feel restrictions easing up and your good energy returning -- it's a good time to coast for a bit until you see the most obvious course of action approaching. Things are just about to pick up!

Creating a vision of what you want...
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I've been telling my boi for four days now that I needed laundry done by Tuesday. He thinks 'by' means 'on' so he was planning on doing it tonight while I'm at work. Only prob is I need clothes to wear TO work. In a few hours.

Which means instead of studying Spanish, deep cleaning my house and looking for a coat I desperately need...
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on tv right now. hell yes. good stuff.

mmm candy. you r00l
I can't believe this shit. But I can. But I threw up in my mouth a lot.


puke puke puke
come ON now, who is that cheap?????

i have two things in the house to possibly eat for breakfast. Cereal and leftover beef stew. I poured myself some cereal and went to open my new rice milk I bought yesterday.. And it's open and half gone! And I don't want to risk using the rest because someone obviously drank out of it directly.. EW germs!...
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