Creating a vision of what you want to achieve is the first step in achieving it.
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You can feel restrictions easing up and your good energy returning -- it's a good time to coast for a bit until you see the most obvious course of action approaching. Things are just about to pick up!
Creating a vision of what you want to accomplish is the very first step to accomplishing it. So pick your toughest goal -- losing weight, landing a new job, asking that cutie out, whatever -- and create a crystal clear picture of it happening in your mind. Give yourself a road map to follow, and then you'll make it easier to succeed. Don't let doubts or fears creep into the periphery, either -- those just don't have a place in your positive storyline.
Today is great for advancing at work -- either on a big project or even along your career track. Surprise folks with a new idea or by going for a new gig that seems beyond you -- but isn't.
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The universe is sending you a lot more introspective energy, which might cause you to shy away from the world, right now -- but that's perfectly fine. In fact, you should follow your instincts to stay at home, even if friends are dying for you to come and join them for a fun night out. But, being your friends, they will totally understand if you feel like taking a pass. It's a good time to explore your own ideas and to think about what goals you want to tackle next.