in the secret group,
sitaramdas started a topic about this, and it totally inspired me.
in the book 'ask and it is given', they give us a ton of exercises/games to learn to train our minds and our vibrations into the positive.
one of the games is 'wouldn't it be nice if..?'
basically you start off with that phrase, and then you let your imagination loose and think of all the things that would be nice happening in your life.
my thing is, i like to act as if these things are already going to happen, because, like they say in the secret, if you focus on the desired thing being in the future, it will always be in the future..(for some reason thinking of desires in present tense makes a BIG difference in my emotion and ability to attract them)
here's my current list: {{warning: it's a long one! }}
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
won't it be fabulous when:
~the perfect job springs out of nowhere right into my path and i am ready to receive it?
~my body responds to my healthy eating and working out and becomes a match to the perfect vision i have in my head?
~i receive twice the money weekly i was receiving at my former job, effortlessly?
~i visit my family in a few weeks and have a great time?
~i go on my cruise with bob proctor and make a lifetime's worth of connections and discoveries?
~i wake up each day with grattitude and a clear purpose?
~my boi's shop takes off and we are having a blast building fun toys and making a ton of money doing it?
~we go to the desert with all our own toys?
~i have a full clientele of people to do badass hair on?
~our car is back in perfect running condition, and not only that, is faster than ever and handles perfectly and looks beautiful?
~i come up with the perfect placement for my tattoos and they all come together beautifully?
~i feel comfortable on the phone and learn to keep in touch with my friends and family better?
~my skin is flawless?
~i reteach myself to play my piano?
~my truck has transformed from this
to this 
won't it kick ass when:
~my days seem to stretch out before me, and i have more than enough time to do anything and everything i want to do?
~i have all the fun clothes i could ever want?
~i'm a master hair designer?
~my hair grows into something i love?
~i learn extensions and kick ass at them?
~girls at school see my talent and all want me to do their hair?
~i finally get out of school and get to go to burningman??
~i get to go camping up in the redwoods and sequoias (sp) again?

{[don't you just expect an ewok to come scurrying out??}}
~i go to europe for the first time?
~i have a sexy girlfriend i identify with, trust and adore? (haha that reminded me of sixteen
"Get ready to have a very fulfilling day. One of your hard efforts is about to start paying off, or one of your most ambitious plans is about to be put into action. Results may be coming in slowly, but they are coming in -- and they are good, so don't be disheartened if you aren't quite where you want to be at the end of the day. Things are looking up, and you are gaining momentum as every minute ticks by. This is the day you have been working for."
have a great day lovelies! 
EDIT: the above advice was right on!!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)i've been looking for the right job for a month and a half...
applied at salons and beauty supplies..
i got offered hairstylist positions at some nice salons, and a training position at my favorite salon in san diego, which was frustrating because i don't have a license, but flattering because i don't even have a portfolio yet!
i just couldn't seem to find the right fit though, and gave up for the past couple weeks, thinking i just didn't know where else to apply that i would enjoy...
THEN i started BELIEVING that i would be shown where to apply and i would be ready for the right job when it is presented to me...
only days later..
this morning i was planning on revamping my search and was just listing a bunch more beauty supplies to apply at, and i got a call from the beauty supply that's five minutes from my house for an interview! i had given up on them because it was taking soo long for them to respond to my application..
it's a professional beauty supply, which is awesome, because i can learn the quality products i will actually be using once i'm working as a stylist.. AND when i applied the manager asked if i would like to work mon-fri 8:30-4:30! PERFECT schedule (except that i'd rather work PART time.. but i'm sure that can be arranged later!).
:::doing the happy dance:::
i KNOW this job is mine! and the professional beauty supplies pay more than the average ones i was about to apply at!

haha! see what belief does for you? look at the first thing on my 'won't it be nice when' list! 
Ya Wild Hogs was soooo funny! No i haven't seen Reno 911!! I heard it was great!
I love being the inspiration!!
I want you to inspire me too!!
Won't it kick ass to create a world full of mutual and communal inspiration!!