Is it me or is SG extreeeeeeemmmmmmmeeeeellllllyyyy S...L... O... W these days????
I can never see a whole set anymore because it takes almost 60 seconds to load EACH picture..
And I've been using brand new computers with very fast cable..
"Have the confidence to do what you want today -- don't be afraid to boldly go where you've never gone before. Sure, you might not know how everything works at first, but that doesn't have to put you at a disadvantage. After the first five minutes, your nerves will stop jangling, and you'll even start to feel a sense of accomplishment. Take a deep breath, and then step out of your comfort zone -- and relish that 'Wow! I can really do this!' sensation."
I can never see a whole set anymore because it takes almost 60 seconds to load EACH picture..
And I've been using brand new computers with very fast cable..

"Have the confidence to do what you want today -- don't be afraid to boldly go where you've never gone before. Sure, you might not know how everything works at first, but that doesn't have to put you at a disadvantage. After the first five minutes, your nerves will stop jangling, and you'll even start to feel a sense of accomplishment. Take a deep breath, and then step out of your comfort zone -- and relish that 'Wow! I can really do this!' sensation."
I think i can!!! HA HA! I haven't killed anyone YET! I LOVE making spagetti! lol i know its easy... BUT IT IS SOO GOOD!
2. Would you rather cook or be cooked for?
Ya, i agree, it depends.... Sometimes i like to be cooked for OR i love to cook for others!!! Mainly Mike! lol He's my guinee pig!!!
3. What was your dream growing up?
My dream was to become a Ballerina.... And when i think about that i laugh.... I'm sooo clumsy! IN A GRACEFUL way!
4. What is your biggest dream now?
To CREATE MY life exactly how I want it to be!!! (See my blog... i have a few ideas!)
5. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish i could defend myself A LOT better! i'm one of those kind of people who "just take it!" BLAH!!! I mean online i always have GOOD comebacks.... But in person, thats another story!
6. What's your favorite talent you have now?
I LOVE how i draw and paint!!!
7. Favorite place to go
a) to calm down
This may sound silly, but the bathroom... HAHA it has a lock.... But it isn't very often that i need to "calm down"...
b) to have fun
BANFF!!! IT is sooo amazing there!!! Beautiful mountains EVERYWHERE!!!
c) to be stimulated by new ideas
ummmm thats a doozy..... I think i would have to say, the beach. I love seeing the water and sand.... AND THE SUN!!! I hate snow.... GAH!
c) to feel alive/connected/grounded
My dads house!! It used to be my Oma and Opa's house... But they moved... So its not the same anymore....
d) in general?
My house!!! lol HA!
6. Is there a food you could not be paid enough to eat EVER?
ANYTHING from fear factor!!! GROSS!
7. What was the last book you read?
I'm currently reading "The Secret"!!
8. What's your favorite thing to read?
Anything by Anne Rice and/or anything about other cultures!!
9. What zodiac sign are you?
Cancer! The emotional sign! And that is sooo true! I'm an emotional person!
10. What are your thoughts on astrology?
I sometimes agree with it.... And sometimes i don't.... But i don't hate it or anything....
11. Any tattoos and/or piercings?
YA!!! OF COURSE! My lip is pierced and i have 4 tattoos sooo far!
12. Will you ever?
I will get married, travel, buy a new car and house, and adopt 2 children... and maybe have a baby (when i'm READY!!) AND i will be a tattoo artist!!!
13. What's your favorite tattoo and why?
So far i would have to say my tiger... But i love them all! The tiger means, My accomplishments and more accomplishments to come, it means strength, and to survive all aspects of life in a positive way!!
14. Worst habit- according to you?
Pulling on my ears, chewing my lips to crap!!! GAH!!
15. Worst habit- according to everyone else?
Ummm, worrying... a lot.... I'm learning not to though... Tough habit to break
16. What is your favorite sport to play? To watch?
To play? Basketball... (i'm no good though! HA!)
To Watch? NFL... ( I watch for the end zone dances!!!)
17. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
Becoming Optimistic mostly!!!
18. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
CHAT CHAT CHAT!!! lol i'ma talker!
19. What did you learn from the hardest/scariest/worst thing that's ever happened to you?
I learnt that life DOESN'T stop.... It continues.... So, Learn and move on! No one should live in self pity... It will only drag them down!
20. Just hanging out with friends, would you rather watch something on tv or just sit and have a conversation?
Of course Conversation! lol
21. Do have any pets?
Yes, i have a puppy dog and two birdies!
22. What pet have you always wanted?
I want a Boxer puppy!!! YES YES i do!
23. In one sentence, describe your life so far.
Learning and appreciating my life!
24. In one sentence, describe your future life.
Beautiful and full/ Abundance in all aspects of life!
25. What's the one thing you WILL/MUST do before your time on earth is up that you haven't done yet?
I WILL BECOME A Tattoo Artist!!!!!
26. Do you know why everyone's scared of clowns? Are you?
They are just creepy!!!
27. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be???
Nothing.... Well, maybe have a slimmer tummy.... But thats it!
28. If you could have anything in the next six months, what would it be?
Me tattooing!!!
29. What color eyes do you have?
A deep blue! HOTNESS!! lol kidding!
30. What are your favorite color eyes on others?
I Must be honest, Blue or a light Caramel brown color!
31. Ever been arrested? Were you guilty?
No, and no? lol
32. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
Put $5000 on to my line of credit, $4000 on to my Visa, and $1000 on to my Mastercard....
33. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
34. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yes i believe in wandering spirits/souls!!
35. Do you believe in psychic abilities?
Yes i doooo!!!
36. Have you ever used pychic abilities?
No.... i'm not that talented.... awwww!!
37. Seen strange paranormal activity?
No i haven't... I'm thankful for that.... I don't think i would handle it well....
38. Favorite thing to do in your spare alone time? With others?
I like drawing by myself.
With others, i like doing supper things or going to the movies!!
39. Do you swear a lot? Does swearing piss you off? Haha
YUP i swear quite a bit! The only time swearing pisses me off is when someone uses Fuck WAY too many times in one sentence.... Its just not right!!!
40. Biggest pet peeve?
When people OVER exaggerate about HOW bad their life is! GAH!!! Whats with that!?!?!? Think about the poor people in Africa!!!
41. In one word, how would you describe yourself as you see you?
Distracted!!! (lol, Little shiny and bright things catch my eye!!)
42. In one word, how would you describe the you that others see?
Nice and bubbly.... And thats not me being baised! lol
43. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Oprah's anniversary dvd!! (I want to own The Secret sooo BAD!!)
44. What if you could pick five?
Almost Famous, Garden State, Romeo and Juliet, Wedding singer, Remember the Titans! (Hard to pick only 5!!!)
45. When challenged, is your first instinct usually a fight or a flight response?
It really depends on the situation.... Most times i will stand my ground... But if it is a lot larger than i can handle.... SEE YA! lol
46. Do you embrace change or dread it?
Change is a good thing for me! I love it! You learn more through change... At least that is what i think...
47. When you hear 'law of attraction', what comes to mind?
Thoughts become things!!! YAY!
48. Heat or cold? Why?
Heat!!!! I'm always cold!!!
49. Would you rather listen to music or create it?
Listen to music... I'm no good at creating music....
50. What's the best life advice you can give the person who posted this?
The best advice i could give now: Though your family may be far away in distance, they are still closer than ever in your heart!!!
SG is SLLOOOOWWWW!!!! I hope that they speed it up a little!!!