"It's time to get rid of clutter, both mental and physical. Clean out closets and clean out your brain. Exercise helps you get your ducks in a row. You see such great results, why not make a habit of it?"
ok ok, i get it, i get it! i have to get off my ass now don't i.
"Your energy is extremely alluring today, and you are like a flame that attracts many moths. The attention is wonderful and invigorating, but take another look at these fluttering fawners for just a moment -- you will soon realize that their adoration is not built on a very substantial foundation. It's not that you don't deserve fervent fans; it's just that the people singing your praises are not the kind of people you need to be impressing. Aim higher. "
aim higher?? that's my life motto! willpower?? i forgot what that is... i do need to refocus on how i want my life to be... the past week has kinda thrown me off and i've gone into survival mode...
"Today, the devil will be not only in the details -- but also in the small print. Keep that in mind when you're looking over any sort of contract. This includes credit card receipts and application forms. One transposed number could cause big problems for you later on. Luckily, you have excellent attention to detail right now -- a second read should reveal all the errors that need to be found. Just take a little extra time to make sure that things are accurate."
luckily i'm not doing anything too important today.. but i'll keep my eyes open..
"Don't drive yourself crazy by trying to achieve impossible perfection. Relax."
i need to print this out really BIG and put it all over my house!! holy shit this is a message straight to me!
"Your energy could take you over a mountain if necessary. Your tongue utters the truth even before you realize you're speaking. It's a good day to go with your gut; analysis and rationality can come later."
liiiike this one!! if only every day could be a 'go with your gut and forget the rest' day!
"There is a lot of indecisive energy around you, and it could cause some scheduling delays and conflicts. The good news is that whatever delays happen are for the best! So if you can allow yourself to just go with the flow right now, you'll open your life up to more spontaneity and excitement. Relax! Don't drive yourself crazy by expecting, or trying to achieve, impossible perfection. Let life be messy and imperfect today. "
wow. today is a GREAT day isn't it??!
ok ok, i get it, i get it! i have to get off my ass now don't i.
"Your energy is extremely alluring today, and you are like a flame that attracts many moths. The attention is wonderful and invigorating, but take another look at these fluttering fawners for just a moment -- you will soon realize that their adoration is not built on a very substantial foundation. It's not that you don't deserve fervent fans; it's just that the people singing your praises are not the kind of people you need to be impressing. Aim higher. "
aim higher?? that's my life motto! willpower?? i forgot what that is... i do need to refocus on how i want my life to be... the past week has kinda thrown me off and i've gone into survival mode...
"Today, the devil will be not only in the details -- but also in the small print. Keep that in mind when you're looking over any sort of contract. This includes credit card receipts and application forms. One transposed number could cause big problems for you later on. Luckily, you have excellent attention to detail right now -- a second read should reveal all the errors that need to be found. Just take a little extra time to make sure that things are accurate."
luckily i'm not doing anything too important today.. but i'll keep my eyes open..
"Don't drive yourself crazy by trying to achieve impossible perfection. Relax."
i need to print this out really BIG and put it all over my house!! holy shit this is a message straight to me!
"Your energy could take you over a mountain if necessary. Your tongue utters the truth even before you realize you're speaking. It's a good day to go with your gut; analysis and rationality can come later."
liiiike this one!! if only every day could be a 'go with your gut and forget the rest' day!
"There is a lot of indecisive energy around you, and it could cause some scheduling delays and conflicts. The good news is that whatever delays happen are for the best! So if you can allow yourself to just go with the flow right now, you'll open your life up to more spontaneity and excitement. Relax! Don't drive yourself crazy by expecting, or trying to achieve, impossible perfection. Let life be messy and imperfect today. "
wow. today is a GREAT day isn't it??!
I really liked those pictures you linked to the other day, and I hope that you're doing well.