advice for today:
TRUE! i'm ready for that next step baby!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)i'm just trying to decide if i should go ahead and reschedule this interview (the one that i had lined up RIGHT AFTER i decided to get a new job, that i had to cancel because of my boi's eye) even though it's farther away than i want to work...{but it seemed like it was just handed to me and it seems a shame to waste it}...or if i should wait to see what my other options are.. i feel the pressure here, because i don't want to appear wishy-washy or for someone else to get the job first, but i really want to work in the hillcrest area (closer to home, more funky fags than upscale snobs) and i want to hold on to my faith that the universe will deliver EXACTLY what i want now that i'm clear about it.. after all, when i first applied for this position i wasn't clear on where i wanted to work, and so the universe delivered accordng to that, but now i am clear, so it will deliver new results based upon my new request..haha i guess i just answered my own question didn't i!
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Hmmm. Why do you keep running into you-know-who? You have nothing in common. Hey, now -- don't be so quick to dismiss them. Taking it nice and easy helps you see how a new person can fit into your life.
HMMM is right!! this could mean ANYONE! better keep my eyes and ears and heart open, eh?
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Your work life will be the focus of your thoughts today, leading you to question what you are really doing and where you ought to go from here. But don't allow yourself to get mired in a quicksand of uncertainty. Take these questions one at a time. Do not expect yourself to answer all of them right away -- or ever. Just being aware of such issues may be enough to prepare you to take opportunities as they come.
LOVE this!
hmm. i've been thinkin about her, but unsure if i feel like talking to her yet. (she did apologise for being too sensitive though)
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
You have far more influence over your own life than you think. On the one hand, this is good -- now you can set your course. On the other hand, this means you have to stop blaming outside circumstances.
ay yay yay! talk about calling me out!!! this is exactly what i was addressing in my last entry.