Capricorn Quickie:
If you want a positive outcome in your latest endeavor, you have to be positive!
SPOILERS! (Click to view)It's all about mind over matter today. If you want a positive outcome to your latest endeavor, then you have to think positively! For you right now, every dark cloud hides a glorious silver lining. If you can hold onto the hope that's inside you, then nothing can bring you down. An optimistic mind is one of the most powerful, motivating things in the universe. Use yours to sway the powers that be to your way of thinking.
Scorpio Quickie:
Positive energy is all around you right now -- even your boss is in a good mood!
Scorpio Overview:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Who knew you could run into romance while taking care of errands? Be sure you don't get so caught up in the hustle and bustle that you miss the smile a cute stranger is sending your way. Stay alert as you take care of business.
Scorpio Extended:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)There's a warm blanket of positive energy all around your reality right now, and it's so comfy and cozy that even your boss is in an exceptionally good mood! Get ready for compliment-filled emails -- you should save them for review time. This will be a wonderful day full of shared laughter and camaraderie. You're getting along well with everyone, and everyone is getting along well with you. This is a good time to get involved in group activities and large-scale events.
W00T for a warm blanket of positive energy!!
Leo Quickie:
Your enthusiasm will rub off on the people around you. You have a lot of influence.
Leo Overview:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)You have a new sense of purpose. Even your smallest efforts yield great results. Your energy level is high now, too, which gives you plenty to smile about socially. If you get out there, you're guaranteed good -- no, great -- times.
Leo Extended:
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Get ready for your attitudes to rub off on the people around you. You have a high level of influence over the people you hang around with every day. So if you are amped about something new, everyone else will be energized, too. But if you are bored to tears, everyone around you will start yawning. Take this responsibility seriously, and watch how you react to things. Try not to go to any extremes today; instead, stay on an even keel.
W00T for being positively inspiring and influential!!!!!!!