What's going on? At first you can't make up your mind. Then you want to stay right where you are. After that, you can't wait to take action. The stars are giving you the flashing yellow light. Slow down and breathe.
This is true every day!!
But what about being selfless?
I keep thinking about my little sister.. She's really down right now and I know it's because of her negative outlook on EVERYthing.. But I don't want to preach Law of Attraction to her..I'm thinking about anonymously sending her a copy of the Secret..hmm.. She wanted me to go do her hair today but I'm exhausted so I was going to pu it off til tomorrw.. but maybe she needs me today..
Question is how can I bring her up rather than letting her bring me down??
thank you for writing, if you ever want a print let me know what you could afford and i'd see what i could do. i need to get some sleep. as always....