SPOILERS! (Click to view)I've been wanting to go visit my plp in New york since she moved there last December.
I even set dates--tentative ones--sometime in the first couple weeks of August.
Now I'm looking at those airfares and gagging.
There's NO WAY I can afford to blow $800 just on the tickets (and there's no WAY I'd go to NYC without shopping money!) just for a weekend.
Not to mention the fact that the flights between NYC and SD take ALL. FREAKIN. DAY. And night. Like from 10pm to 2pm the next day and shit-withOUT layovers.
So in order to get at least two full days there I would still have to take two days off of work. And who wants to spend $800 for two measley days? That's no vacation. She was out here for a whole week and we hung out three times. Course it would be different if we stayed with her.
But anyways. Bottom line is, I would go absolutely broke if I visited.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I wish $1300 would just fall from the sky outside my work right now so I could run out there and pick it up. Then I could go!
But damn. I can't stop lamenting. I was so stoked to go see her and the city.
But I'm MORE focused on my number one goal in life right now:
Get my debt paid off (I think it's less than 2 grand! I know I can do it!) and get my ass into school by the beginning of 07.
And with $1300 I could have that almost accomplished!
Shit. She's gonna be so bummed!
Well I am too.
But too bad right? I HAVE to do this. I've been talking about it for waaay too long, and now it's within reach. I can't give up on my dream!
In other news, today was not started on a good foot. Excuse me whilest I bitch for a minute.
For one thing, I haven't been sleeping well during the hours of 1am-4:30am.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)This has been going on off and on since the last place we were staying when that crackhead would wake us up every night around 1 or 2 coming home to continue her party.
I cannot figure out what it is. Maybe because our house seems to get really fucking hot (I don't know how, the ac is set to 72 and it shouldn't fluctuate) during those hours?
Anyway, I just start getting comfy around 4:30 after tossing for a few hours and I have to get up at five. BOOO
I woke up today with a piercing pain in my gut right where my appendix used to be. OW. Rubbing it hurt, stretching hurt, taking a breath hurt. That made me not wanna get outta bed. I think I should have stayed there.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Finally got outta bed and drank some water and it subsided. Got back in bed and cuddled with the boi, making us both impossibly horny. (what is it about those early mornings? I know guys get morning wood but I am ALWAYS down to fuck in the wee hours) Then had to get back up to get ready for work.
Dragged my ass for a bit but by the time I was ready I was somewhat awake. Miraculously I was ready EARLY--even after getting up 40 minutes late. Called my homie who offered a ride like four times. No answer.
Finally decided to drive myself. Go down and start the car.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Shawn runs down with the phone. Adam says he can give me a ride, he's going to leave in a few minutes.
Ok. So Shawn runs up to get dressed so he can go drop me off. By the time we leave the house it's 6:40. I have to leave my house by 6:30 to get to work by 7 going my way--which is about 30 minutes faster than Adam's way because he refuses to drive a little further to avoid ridiculous amounts of traffic.
So I already know I'm gonna be late and almost just say screw it I'll drive, but Shawn seems to be excited about having the car so I give in.
We get to the meeting spot and for once only wait five minutes for Adam to show up.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Adam and I depart at 6:53. By this time I'm pissed that I didn't leave when I wanted to--I woulda got to work early and been able to leave early. And as soon as I get into the car he informs me that he has to take his car to the dealer to get the electrical checked out--without an appointment--after work. Why he couldn't have told me that before I decided to ride with him I don't know. But I don't want to waste my fucking afternoon sitting in unnecessary traffic and sitting at the car dealer for a few hours.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Then we get on the bootsy two lane freeway he insists upon taking and the traffic is pretty much stopped for the entire four or five miles of it. Great. By this time I'm thinking, what a dumbass, why do I even try? He has gotten me to work on time ONCE out of all the times we've carpooled. That just makes me look bad. Yes it's more gas and driving to drive myself but it's worth it to actually get to work on time every day and not look like a loser, plus to take the other freeways and cut my travel time in half.
Anyway so I was fifteen minutes late to work (even after he drove half of the way past the traffic on the shoulder!) Boo.
Oh, and on the way to work I realized I had the phone
(I had stuck it in my purse after Shawn ran it down to me).
BOO because
SPOILERS! (Click to view)1) this means I have no way of getting ahold of Shawn if I want a ride home, or for whatever
2) He has no way of talking to his dad, who he works for (it's technically a 'work phone' but since our phone got stolen and we haven't replaced it we've been using that) and
3) Shawn gets SO pissed when I do that. He acts like his whole day is ruined. So I know he's working right now grumbling about it.
So here I sit.
Oh no, here comes more ranting.
So my friend Adam has been my second oldest friend (besides my plp) for like ten years.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)BUt it's getting to the point where I don't really wanna be around him that much. I need to be around motivated, positive people and he's just not fitting the bill.
He keeps taking and taking (I'm always giving him gas money for rides he flakes on giving me or for getting me to work way late, I smoke him out all the time, I buy him lunches)...He used to get me back.
[SPOILER]BUT he's getting really irresponsible and unreliable.He just wrote a check to his car dealer for the down payment on the new car he bought and he knows it's going to bounce. This after he spent $90 on drinks the night before (an every other night at least occurance), passed out in his car at 4 am, woke up at 6 when I called him for the ride he had offered the day before, couldn't give me a ride coz it was out of his way, got to work, passed out for a few hours more, and came into work super late.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Oh yeah AND he missed work ALL last week because he broke up with his shittty abusive boyfriend for the eightieth time and was too upset to come in... And he spent the weekend driving around looking for his ex to work things out..which of course they're back together. I really think Mark is bad for him...He's been getting more irresponsible and insecure by the week since they've been together.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)So another thing is that he's HIV+. I think he might just not care about his future because of that. he gets these spurts of inspiration, but then the bubble deflates and he's fucking his own life up and bitching about it being fucked up.
I feel kinda guilty, like I'm talking shit about one of my best friends.... Well I guess I am huh. But I just need to vent--I don't know how to bring this up to him-or even if I should. I love my homie but he is just driving me crazy right now coz I know he can be outrageously successful if he stops fucking around!
Speaking of driving me, he just took me on our lunch break to get weed since I lost touch with all of my dealers and the dispensaries have been shut down since raids last week. That's a good friend for sure.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)So blah blah blah. There's my thoughts and my day. I'ma go get some work done and learn some shit online.