Hectic, hectic.
4th of July was the best one EVER.
Got up, got laid, and went on up to Crest
for the annual 4th of July parade and fair at the park. My family were all party poopers pretty much but it was good to see them for a bit at least. By the time we left around 11 I was ready to PARTY. Stopped at home to sunscreen up and eat, then we were off to the beach! YAY.
Got there around noon
SPOILERS! (Click to view)for ONCE- my boi and I fight like every weekend coz he's dying to get down there ASAP and I'm like whatever I need to clean and workout and run errands so we don't get there til like 3..luckily no one starts covering up til after 7!
Walked a few freakin miles to get to the beach from our parking spot.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)And staggered a bit too, thanks to the beers we'd filled our Super Gulp cup with for the journey (btw that freakin cup cost me $1.25--which the focker at the 711 pocketed after I bartered him down from $2.00--for a freakin cup! I shoulda walked out with it and he wouldn'ta done shit!)
I brought this really sexy shirt I hadn't worn yet
SPOILERS! (Click to view)which was retarded because I didn't wear it all day except after I dropped it on the NASTY bathroom floor and had to completely rinse it...after which on the crowded-ass, sweaty-ass beach it seemed a good idea to wear an icey cold wet shirt...and it WAS....(after that dried it went into the grocery bag that my boi was in charge of but later lost when we went to the bathroom and left him almost passing out sitting on the beach wall trying to figure out how to work the phone to call us)
and I wore these white platform flip flops
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I'm too old for those in my opinion but my boi drools over them so I gave them a try--much to the detriment of my feetsies, which were in pain after a few blocks and now look like they've been slashed by a wolverine because of the blisters
SPOILERS! (Click to view)oh, and the cheapass things broke after frolicking in the waves in them for like two minutes..I was limping along on the broken one for quite some time before I realized, 'hey, I'm drunk, I should take this damn thing off this is ridiculous'...limped for awhile with one shoe on, and into the trash recepticle they went...MAN were my feet BLACK after walking around barefoot down there! And I passed out without washing! EW..
So we wandered around and got buzzed for a few hours.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)Standing in line for the bathroom I saw these two FINE girls walking up holding hands and was telling Shawn how I think that two chicks holding hands is SO. HOT. And next thing I know the'yre next to us in line and the one I thought was hotter started chatting us up..she was a lot more drunk than I though and I didn't really talk back, even when the other girl and SHawn started chit chatting too, coz I didn't see it as showing interest til I thought about it later, DAMN ME.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)I always think that people are going to think about what they want to say and make sure it's something intelligent before they talk to someone they don't know (Coz I do) I always forget that 1)No one worries about intellect as much when they just want to fuck and 2)No one worries about intellect at all when drunk.
So then Teresa (my bff in from New York) met us down there
SPOILERS! (Click to view)and we wandered/stumbled around and tried to get her to drink the Mickeys we bought her but ended up killin it ourselves and going to the liquor store for a bottle (which I think Shawn drank all but like 4 shots of)...wandered more...drank more...snapped a lot of fine girls' swimsuit bottoms....had a fucking GREAT time...by the way it was an absolutely GORGEOUS day and there were more hotties than notties...PERFECT)
Then we went to Teresa's friend Kristina's and hung out with a bunch of familar faces and got even drunk ER and had an awesome time there too.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)(I don't know how Shawn drove safely there OR home! But he did and for ONCE there was NO contact with law enforcement!) Oh, AND neither Shawn or I really ate ALL day and there was NO fighting because of low blood sugar! AMAZING, I tell you!
Yeah. so I drank from like noon to one in the morning when I passed out standing up in my boi's arms.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)And then didn't get outta bed til 2:50 the next day. (And feel like I'm SITLL recovering now on FRIDAY!) Oops. I was supposed to go into work at ten or at least call by then. Oh well at least I didn't get in trouble for it. FUCK I love my job!
So yeah. That's been my week, party, recover, and I'm about to repeat! But next week I needa drag my ass to work every day on time, so I guess I better alternate alcohol with water eh?
By the way we've gone a whole week paying in quarters and returning shit for food and gas money coz a check for a job Shawn's doing bounced so he never got paid last week. Oh and the head gasket on the car is leaking like a MOFO. I hope I didn't completely blow it off on the way here this morning! Geez.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)But life is good. I LOVE everyone who's a part of my life right now and I feel like I'm really going to ACTUALLY get into school and out of debt in a few months! w00t!!!!!!!
I think we're going to Rosarito this weekend with my cousin and her fiancee too..fun..
SPOILERS! (Click to view)they're like 20 and pot smoking punks like us...we've been having fun at the past two family weddings sneaking out to get stoned in the car...heehee
AND I get to go shopping with my PLP this weekend! w00t for clothes and shopping partners and DIRECT DEPOSIT! YEEUH
thats awesome you two got through the partying with no fighting. congrats.